We can help you overcome the challenges brought about by tree stump regrowth, through the specialist supply of the Ecoplug Max Tree Stump Killer - a patented tree stump control application.
Stump Control
We can help you overcome the challenges brought about by tree stump regrowth, through the specialist supply of the Ecoplug Max Tree Stump Killer – a patented tree stump control application.
Ecoplug Max is a unique yet highly effective method of controlling tree stump regrowth. It can be used in any weather condition and it prevents release of herbicides into the wider environment, making it a safe and responsible option. Each plug contains 283mg of granular glyphosate. Ecoplug Max is supplied in boxes of 100. Drill bit sold separately.
Showing the single result
£95.70 (exc. VAT: £79.75)
Ecoplug Max™
Ecoplug Max is a unique method of controlling cut tree stump regrowth. Each plug contains 283mg of granular glyphosate. Ecoplug Max is supplied in boxes of 100.
Our tree stump control products
Ecoplug Max is a unique yet highly effective method of controlling tree stump regrowth.
For further information on tree stump control products, or any of our products and services, please call our Technical Helpline on 08000 324 352 or email sales@nomixenviro.co.uk.